Smiling, Despised
by Plague and Underground FLower

Underground Flower and Plague
In the morning the bell rings
It says that a difficult day lies ahead.
Through the bars in the window like kisses
There is light on my shoulders
Angels in memory above my head
Now, instead of them, a convoy.
Flower gardens and candles,
Old memories.

Wide and yellow evening light,
My eyes’ blue violent flame
From the burning forests flying
Sweet smell of evergreens
That I lived in lavishness and sorrow
Was I glad of the sun? Forgive –
And tender one
Don’t do harm to anyone.
Low is the empty heaven
On my journey down,
And between two wooden beams
There stands a giant star.

Vitaly Bezpalov

Smiling, Despised
28.8.19 – 28.11.19

w/ Leyli Aslanova, Vitaly Bezpalov, Johanna Blank, Faina Brodsky, Victor Gogly,
Arthur Golyakov, Loic Lehecho, Miles Hendricks, Leif Pan, Stas Tocka, Nastya Vasileva, Vanya Venmer, Vi4a⁣ ⁣⁣

Curated by Underground Flower and Plauge
in Perth, Australia and Krasnodar, Russia
Text: Arthur Golyakov & Torre Alain Photos: Angelina Venmer & Torre Alain