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In the human world, sacrifice has been mapped to the logic of transactions: we exchange some goods in the hope of obtaining our greater desires. To strike a bargain, or simply to dispose of waste; the gods are reduced to stockbrokers or janitors.

But sacrifice speaks of the cruel joy of blood and bone, hewing our flesh to the Will of God, realizing that our will only exists in this absolute surrender. To be the fantasy of God, to be His self-revelation, to be His vessel... the difference is indistinguishable. It is severe arousal, it is pure excess, it already exists outside the individual and his calculations. We intend to persist the life of things in the metaphysical life, and by doing so, to have a greater presence in that slow and sweet heaven outside the living earth. In this, we ecstatically believe that both our life and our death transcend our specific existence.

These formulas have the same purpose: to abolish past time, to abolish history by continuously restoring time and space, and to replace history by symbolically repeating the movement of the universe. This is an absolute recognition: dreams are silence, dreams have power. Stories are words, words will be passed on and eventually betrayed. It is the mirror of bodily division, total interruption and violence, which corresponds to the destruction of individualistic psychological integrity. It evokes the loss of self-superstition in a metaphysical sense and establishes the eternal thermodynamic order of the universe. Infinite, impersonal and borderless (at the same time, by performing voluntary actions, the self is molded into an existence beyond itself).

The moment we live, it happens again and again, again and again. The old values were collapsing. Our lives dissipate on the foundation, which is manifested in the great release of appetite, instinctive liberation. Smoke emerged from the burning life, exposed to the flame prematurely. Anything that disturbs the order of things is a moving means to express the inner pulse of life.

When we say the word "life", we must understand that we are referring to that center of volatility that can never be reached: if there is still a curse of hell during this time, it is the idleness of surface and shape. We must send a signal through the flame like the victim being burned to death at the stake.

"...The eyes are burning, forms are burning, and eye consciousness is burning. Eye contact is burning. Pleasant, unpleasant or neutral feelings are burning. What is it burning? It is full of passionate fire, hatred fire , The fire of delusion. I declare that it is burning, with the burning of birth, decay, death, sorrow, sorrow, pain, grief and despair..." This is the fire sermon: Fire cannot be eliminated. It takes more fuel and more passion to go beyond the breaking point of things, until it becomes the fullest ecstasy, the worship of God.

Our stable form is a compromise. May it release us like a myth. May we regain the ancient power of the disappearing star, greater than the time of day. The ashes will never settle down. The blood of life always flows in the infinite circulation system of death.

- halo, september 2020

further reading:
blood, thetorah.com
Adittapariyaya Sutta: The Fire Sermon
The Accursed Share, Georges Bataille
fire lily 3
hand and sword, tadpole origin, arthur golyakov, haotian wu, lola orge benech, yixuan, ava: curated by underground flower (halo)
babenshin, badbettyboop, jingxin wang, lil mew, ringo lukas, vunkwan, soufix: guest-curated by valerie you
text by underground flower (halo)
storyline, directed by underground flower (halo)
photographed by valerie you
installation by valerie you and jadzerl

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